A Park Parade.
I love Idaho Falls. I grew up here, experienced the joys of a good community with good people. I think this place I call Home can’t be beat. Though this is the case, I must say that there are some things in town that hurt my heart. Things that create just a bit of grief inside. Like, for example, when I am driving down a street with classy homes and beautiful yards, etc and then suddenly there is an abandoned building that looks like it houses zombies, totally ruining the feeling... :( I've thought "Is there nothing that can be done?... These kinds of feelings and thoughts happen every so often as I head around town. Recently, I saw a petition going around to build a splash pad over at the park of my youth: Reinhart Park. What a great idea!! Thank you to whoever came up with this petition and pushed it! I signed it. (Joshua Dawson, was that you?) Way to go, thinker. (Click Here to see the petition). What if more of us raised our voices for improvement around town? The city council isn't ignorant. And they're willing to listen, too. I wonder and I believe that we can consider desired changes, prepare our "pitch", and actually share it with influence. Making somewhat thoughtless suggestions doesn't lead to much. When we do the footwork, express a sense of teamwork, and then talk, people will listen. My wife often takes our daughters to parks with a small group of girlfriends. She recently visited a new park and playground per my suggestion. My wife seemed hesitant at first because she was unfamiliar with it and she also knew that another particular park was consistently functional for our 1-year old. Despite her hesitancy, she still chose to go. And boom! Like that, she had another park added to her "Good" list. Now we have to ask, which other parks would make the cut if we only gave them a shot? My wife also has a list of "don't goes" for one reason or another. These thoughts bring me to a couple of questions which I'd like answered: 1) Which parks are currently the best to go to for our little children? 2) Which parks have little things that sadly make much of the park undesirable? And are these issues fixable with just a little work?? Moms (and Dads) out there. Join the event! On August 7th and 28th, I (with my wife) will be holding a Park Parade. This will be a couple of days of visiting multiple parks with our children and evaluating each of these with specific criteria. We'll try to make it to as many parks as possible within 2 hours or so. Our kids will be the testers as we give them 10-15 minutes to "go wild" on each playground. After we finish, I will make a list of "Key Take-Aways" or the information needed to actually make a difference. I will then prepare our requests and share them with the city. I will also share our list with other parents so they know which parks are the best. This will be a social event but may also make a difference. Join our park parade and you could be the reason for change (and good times)! Mark that you're interested in the event below on Facebook or sign-up here and start planning for it: http://www.justapitch.com/park-parade---idaho-falls-parks.html Stefan Wood Please like our page so you can see more info about upcoming events!
Why do you do what you are doing in your daily life? For me--I have needs that I and willing to acknowledge, pursue, and meet, as hard as that can be sometimes.
Over the years, I have found that I love social events and activities. I have been the instigator of many different things. I have been known to plan sporting events with groups of friends, coordinate mini-reunions, and also coordinate a family newsletter and blog. I must say, all in all, I just love connection with people. It's soooo healthy! I also love progression. A few months ago I attended a class at BYU with my brother. In the class, I observed his intelligent business teacher as he taught. He shared something in the middle of class that I feel like was true wisdom. He told the entire class that one of the best things he did for his family was choose to see a marriage counselor. He didn't elaborate much but just shared that his marriage wasn't perfect. What a surprise, right?! He encouraged all of us to be humble enough to take responsibility for our marriage struggles, something that we all have. I have come to feel that this choice is totally valuable, for everyone, no matter their circumstances. I believe in progress, and, in my opinion, the greatest characteristics needed to progress are humility and responsibility. If you enjoy connection and/or want to progress in your marriage, come join us in our Pitch Parade events. Should be a good time and could very possibly help. Stefan Wood [email protected] www.Justapitch.com In 2018, we came up with a new approach to all our efforts that would enable more instructive presentations, in addition to the ones we have been producing. With our previous approach, our goal was to promote "Enlightening Education" through promoting classes catered to a specific group. Now, our upgraded goal is to promote 1) Enlightening Education and 2) Informative Opportunities. We intend to include all kinds of businesses that are looking to promote their excellent services. All too often, it seems that people are left without help because they just don't know where to look for their needs. And sadly, they persist in their lack of knowledge of what's out there. Our grand objective is to fill that hole and create the bridge to the best opportunities and services out there.
In July of 2017, we gave it another whirl. This time we invited Joel Buxton of Idaho Falls, a family counselor, and Jeni Griffin of Idaho Falls, the executive director of SPAN Idaho, or Suicide Prevention Awareness Network. They each presented on their particular subjects and each were excellent.
It is now time for us to branch out and gain insight on all of the worthy causes or great opportunities out there that people would grab onto if they just heard the "pitch". On June 29th, 2016, we gave it another go at offering some presentations for funeral directors in Idaho. This time, we invited Dr. John Liljenquist of Idaho Falls to also present on Understanding Anxiety and Depression. His thoughts were inspiring! Our greatest objective with "Just a Pitch" is to promote the best education, information, and opportunities to those who need them most. And to branch out to every opportunity possible, from trip advising to counseling, the best masseuses to real estate opportunities, etc. We will do all we can to make it work.
Our 2nd presentation was held 9/9/2015, just a few days after our first go. We learned and refined the class as best as we could. There are so many details with setting up and carrying out a live presentation! But it was all a success and a great experience.
Back in 2015, my brother and I created our first class presentations for funeral directors. This particular class focused on compassion, the number one characteristic of funeral directors. We taught two of this presentation within a week.
Here is my journal entry from the time we were doing it: "9/4/2015 Thoughts and Feelings: As I have my first class tomorrow, I feel nervousness and anticipation. We have created quite a fun plan which can always be improved. I pray that the Lord will help as I strive to influence the directors to have more love and compassion in their work. It hits me that this creation is all an act of self-driven faith (with the help of Austin). What a success this has been so far. He's great with people and positive. " |
AuthorThe man that is making Just a Pitch a reality Archives
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